Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 18 - Change

Today marked a beginning of a new term.  The last few days and today have been half days for exams and the start of the new term.  I don't know how I am going to go back to not only regular days, but days where minutes have been added to the schedule. 

Besides complaining and dreading tomorrow, what the above is really making me realize is how easy you can get used to something new.  However, you can really struggle with change.  Today, a student that I have worked with a lot is having an aide accompany him in hopes of helping.  It was really interesting to see how he hated the change that was meant to support him.  I mean he completely acted differently with this aide as he reacted to the change.  It just makes me realize how hard it is for some students to cope with change and how different personalities can be at odds, hurting one's education. 

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